disclaimer: long! don't complain. i warned you, right?
i would have entitled this: silent pondering thoughts. but, if talking to a 1 year old could give me responses, i would have said it aloud. =) my baby girl is just watching me type here. she's playing (making a disaster) on her pen with his big brother's card collection. jaki will kill me later. =)

it's 14:53 here, and i should really be facing my invitation card deadlines or ironing clothes. i don't know which was really less stressful. my printer's killing me a bit. sometimes, it stucks..and sometimes it says "please insert a paper" even there's plenty of papers inside. i need to print 150 birthday invitations and i only printed 10 as of now!
ten? omg! i have to finish these cards for next week. i still need to design each card with a ribbon and borders. dah? instead, here i am blogging. is this a relief?
my brain is not stopping for ideas right now. i guess i need this blog break from printing. i got a mountful clothes to iron, but i'll postpone it for tomorrow.
i haven't taken my lunch yet at this time. i'm not even on a diet, but i'm starvingly waiting for my hub. he'll be home soon.
words, words...? somehow we talk about words.
words are never just words. even when they seem just words. for the hand that writes there, is the mind that reads, a soul that deciphers.
HAPPY - i am happy to see my kids healthy. i brought them both at the park today and let them be free. my daughter was sick last week and i'm so happy for her quick recovery. my second son had swollen eyes this morning, but i said, "dont worry, it will pass". he trusted me. his eyes were ok now. my eldest son back in the philippines is ok too. i won't ask for anything else, but their health.
i'm happy with my husband. 13 years of being together! deadline of bills, school payments, small food menu debates, "forgot-to-buy" supplies, etc. i'm just happy we always pass thru these things without arguments, without rants. patience endures.
REACTION - i happened to see a blog with a "quick reaction" theme. i grabbed it when she's not around. hahaha! words = 1 word reaction: that's the rule. she got 35 numbers. i copied only 10.
1. Power Rangers: kids
2. Best vacation: venice
3. Santa Claus: gifts
4. Bon Jovi: rock
5. Facebook: fun
6. Paris Hilton: hah?
7. Neverland: johnny depp
8. High School: unforgettable
9. Alcohol: pass
10. Love: perfect
FACEBOOK - yeah i have been quite a fan right now. i literally left my multiply site and just concentrate on it. i found relatives i haven't seen nor heard for 20 years or so. cool! i've been into farming (farmville), cooking (cafe world), architecting (my city life), fishing (fishville) careers! i have no salary though. lot of times, they stole almost half of your day. so, i just decided to be easy on them from now on. i can't stay all day playing. what just annoys me sometimes are the other applications. why are some people fond of commenting like that? it's better to say "hi" than to send "accept this and that". if you blocked the applications, they might think, i don't care, so i'll just continue to rant here.
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