things i just wanted to say or just silly stuffs.
1. it's the first day of spring today. the sun should be shining, yet it's raining.
2. had a "diet strike" breakfast. with the "daing" (dried fish), eggs and hotdog, whew! i won't be able to get hungry til the next 10 hours!
3. mom will miss one sunday with zendra and jaki. she's attending a baptismal party. i'm not invited. (sigh)
4. the kids are driving me (happy) crazy as usual. My daughter has recovered from her flu & infection, thanks God. My son's memorizing (he's getting restless) a poem as an assignment. I wish I had a magic wand to poof them to be lifetime free from growing up stress.
5. I wish i can go online longer everyday. my laptop's been unkind to me. shutting down when you're in the verge of blogging instinct. need a new pc. argh! still no budget for that.
that's it! bath time for kids...
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