this will be the first of the coming series of my five on fridays. i'll just entitle it TGIF!
TGIF #1 : something unplanned
sometimes it's always fun when you do things unplanned or just things happened when you least expect it.
1) it's holy friday. it's not a holiday for many here. i guess i was the only one not working today amongst the house members. my brother is going to Sardegna with his boss for the holy week vacation, so he decided to leave me his laptop. the plan is i'll just get it then be back home right away. i prepared my 2 kids and headed to my brother's house. kids were both interested at harry (the dog). jaki's scared of dogs. but, today, he caressed harry.
bravo. one step at a time for diminishing his dog fear.
2) my brother's boss went out to buy some kebaps for lunch. he is always enthusiastic when there are visitors home (that's us). unfortunately, the turkey kebap take out is close. the grocery however were open even holy friday. so brother went out for a while to buy sugar & ice cream. i asked him too to shop for zendra's diapers. kids enjoyed again: pc, playstation & tv.
3) it's 11 am. the sun is shining. brother and i decided to bring the kids at the park nearby. kids love it! my brother carried his laptop and unfortunately, he can't catch a wireless connection. kids begged not to leave, so we stayed longer.
minutes passed, his boss' sister called and said she's not feeling so well, and told that their vacation was postponed! just like that! 3 hours before their scheduled travel. he felt relieved. going to sardegna would mean boredom. i called up mom. told we're at my brother's house, and invited her to pass by. "punta ka dito, pizza daw tayo, di na tuloy sina junjun" (he ordered pizza! junjun isn't going anywhere. sardegna was postponed), i said. mom replied, "o sige, andito na me pa metro" (ok, i'm almost in the subway).
i love the pizza box with the baby printed on it. cute! brother ordered 4 boxes of pizza margherita. jaki had one box! zendra ate all the side crusts. she even tasted the coke.
i almost ate 3 slices...
while we're busy at the garden savoring the stracciatella flavored ice cream, my daughter is busy picking up little yellow flowers. she's smelling them one by one. i guess my brother is thinking of hiring zendra as a gardener. =)
5) me, mom and the kids went home around 2pm. zendra slept at the bus. it's just a 7 minute (more or less) ride from my brother's house to ours. jaki wanted to stay at mom's house (just the first building in front of us). zendra and i headed home. she was awaken then. i prepared the bath tub. fresh and tired, she slept quietly without conniptions...
my hub arrived from work at 6pm and brought some oranges. i certainly missed my ironing plans. but it was all worth it.
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