another monday again. the wheather forecast was right, it will rain today. we got sunshine yesterday...the wheather's continue changing here each day. 2 more weeks and it will be spring. i hope by march the rain will diminish.
my son is still sleeping, so i called him up..."svegliati jaki" (wake up), "you'll be late for school". zendra is still sleeping. it's 7am. hub went to the kitchen and fried some hotdogs for breakfast. he went off to work at about 8am.
jaki and i got out of the house at 8:17am and left Zendra to my brother-in-law in the house.
the bell is already ringing when we arrived at jaki's school. so he kissed me up quickly.
back to the house, there are two peruvian guys who are installing a surveillance camera. it's about time they put a cam. the buildings' basement were robbed last year and we lost some of our things down there. few days ago, i saw bottle garbages near the gate. what the...? what was that person thinking? the bin for bottles is just 10-step walk out of the building. why would he/she left it in front of our gate? but, no cams yet. we can't point the suspect.
i peeked at our mail box and there's a letter for me, from ASL (health department). info's of vaccinations and stuffs. seeing the porter, i asked her if i can post the "avviso" (notice) for all the "condomini" (all the people living in the building). we have an appointment on wednesday for hydraulics, so the main switch for water supply will be closed from 9:00-11:00. we got leaks in the bathroom for quite sometime. i showed the porter my note and she said, make it bigger. so i went up, re-print the notice, in bolder and bigger fonts.
it says: Avviso Importante
Chiusura dell'acqua per lavoro, 24 febbraio, mercoledi, 9:00-11:00
Scusate per il disagio, grazie
(translation: important notice: closing of water for a job, 24 february, wednesday, excuse us for some inconveniences, thanks)
my daughter is still sleeping. i remember the bags and packs i still need to put in order. i was busy last saturday for carnevale and, sunday for making/editing invitation for baptismal and birthday parties. of course i'll be paid..small business. it's global crisis, no more "thank you's" hahaha. i'm talking of 100 copies, so i'm crazy if i don't ask for a cash, right?
so we got a surprise package from New Jersey, USA (my hub's cousin). these are for my daughter zendra.
last saturday, hub went to decathlon (sport store) and bought us surprises, yey! i got a black nike sweat shirt, adidas for jaki and a pink shoes for zendra. hub got his new spring jacket (again). i would say he got thrice the number of jackets compared to mine.
yesterday my friend arrived from the philippines and i got some packs from my sister-in-law, Bheng. she sent shoes for zendra and some vitamins for me. there are 6 bottles, but i gave my brother 2 and my mom, 2. of course, dvd films! yey! got 17 english films! i might have a movie marathon this weekend.
i seldom go to the theaters here because they all dubbed the new english films to italian. although, honestly i can understand more of italian now than slang english, i still prefer the original film language. i just need to put subtitles, 'coz im having a difficulty now with vocal english comprehension. it's not easy when all you're hearing here is italian. you tend not to practice speaking english. thru writing it's much easier. speaking is another story.
it's almost 2pm and i gave zendra some of her snacks: banana yogurt for kids, albicocca juice and a bread. she's really a "mangione" (great eater). she never rejects any food.
after eating she tried her acrobatics skill...standing up on her toy bag carrying her balloon. i guess she'll be in circus one day, hahaha.
still raining...
i can't open up some Fb applications. argh!
anyway, i'm busier these days at blogger site.
gotta think about my lunch. i'm starving.
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