i was writing a blog draft about Day 3 of our Philippine vacation, while net surfing, and i came across this lovely 10 ways to have a better day. i believe i want this on my blog, to share it with the readers (as if i have many), hahaha. The side talks however are mine.
10 Ways to Have a Better Day
by Geno Stampora
1. Wake up 30 Minutes Early.
Get up 30 minutes before the alarm goes off and take the first half hour for yourself. Once you get busy and into the day there never seems to be the time for yourself. Take this time to plan getting the most from the day.
i had created that habit: setting the alarm and getting up 30 minutes or even 1 hour, and set the alarm off before Taylor Swift sings Love Story: it's my tune alarm. =) unconsciously, i guess, i fear i won't hear the alarm. my husband is the type who set off the alarm and sleep again. hence, i am his real alarm. "B, 7am na! Bangon na."
2. Read, Listen, or Watch Something Uplifting.
Make this a daily habit. Get out of starting the day with no mental food. A great day does not begin with the news or the paper, it begins with ideas or energy that will propel you through the day. What you first hear will stay with you throughout the day.
Watch: First thing i do (after going to the bathroom) when i wake-up is to watch the morning news. Since i have been here in Italy, weather report became a big importance of my daily life. I depended on it if i'm going to bring sweater or umbrella, or what shoes to wear. it pays to watch.
Listen: After the first headline news, if my hub's up, expect the Bryan Adams disc echoing in our room. When it's my first turn to put a disc, it would be Sarah McLachlan.
Read: Good enough i have this "thoughts for success". It's like a calendar, but just month and date (without a year) with motivational quotes. At least it's my way of having good thoughts for the day.
3. Eat a Good Breakfast to Start You Off Right.
Get something good into your body to wake it up and get it going. Think about the energy you will need to perform. Everyday we run a marathon. What would you need to eat and drink to win it.
"EAT BREAKFAST LIKE A KING!" That's what my dad is always saying when we were kids. I was glued to it. I eat heavy breakfast. Rice, egg, sausage or ham, banana, pineapple juice. Anything left overs, as long as i have rice, i'm good.
4. Choose Your Winning Attitude.
There is enough to go wrong without sabotaging yourself. Your attitude is a choice you make. Don't let it come between you and your success. Be careful to keep it positive all day long.
Being positive for me is counting at least 1-10 when i see something not right or someone had done something not nice. it's worth to not talk badly. regrets won't never hold the words back.
5. Be Aware of What They are Telling You.
The people around us have a profound effect on how we get through life. Our closest friends and family are our greatest environmental influences. Make sure you have the best advisors you can find.
I have the best advisors around me: my hub, my mom. my sister Kai and best friend, Chat and some friends physically not with me. i always listen and weigh words.
6. Make the Most of What You Do.
When you get to your work, make it the best place to be. Most people go to work and never think about work while they are there. Focus on your contribution. What would it be like if you were not around. Strive to give a 100% each and every day.
I am under a new company since last week and i guess i'm giving my 101% now. It's tiring, but i need to, so they can appreciate how hardworking i am. my work time is 6pm but am always 20 minutes early. (sipsip nang konti, hahaha)
7. Always Remember that People are Listening.
Make a point of talking well of others. Wish others the best in life. What goes around does come around. Don't talk negative about anyone. Try to understand their circumstances Practice being a support system to your friends and family. They need you.
I am a bit stress of some people around here. I can't talk back, i can't even talk and be overheard. I just give code names to the persons, para play safe. Nakakainis kasi minsan, i need to let out by talking to myself.
8. Be Honest and Fair to Others.
It does make a difference. What you give to others is usually what you get from others. Practice integrity that people can see and feel. Be aware of what you say. Learn to walk your talk at all times. The more people trust you, the more of their time they will trust with you.
I always remember the saying, "it's always better to shut up if you can't say anything good about others." as much as i can, i want to be in a neutral situation, as long as they don't hit me in the back.
9. Pace Your Energy to Last All Day.
Be careful of bursts of energy. Pace your energy throughout the day. If you get to crazy early in the day, you will reach a point of exhaustion before the day is over. By planning your entire day before you begin, you will have what you need. You've heard the old saying "look alive."
i make it a point now, that at least 4 times i have to walk or jog early in the morning around six, before i do everything. makes me feel alive and ready for the whole day's chores.
10. Get in Bed Early and Study for the Future.
I have a friend who keeps a journal at his bedside. Every night he writes what he learned new on that day. The only way to keep one step above the masses is to learn new ways to do things. Develop the habit of reading a work or personal development book before you go to sleep. Reading for 30 minutes a day is like a year of college. You can't succeed if you don't read. Remember throughout your day that life is what we make it, day by day. Practice having the best day ever. It adds up to a great life.
i love reading! if i can't really sleep at night, it's either i watch tv or read a book or magazine. i have a small notebook (i called it red book, actually) where i write some notes or anything i heard, read on that very day. i guess i missed that book for a month or so. i had a long vacation back home and i'm so busy with my family and friends. anyway, jotting some notes or stories is a nice way to learn. i can't rely so much on my memory, so re-reading my notes/blogs motivates me more.
so there they are folks. do that ten in the best way you can and it will make your life better.
start TODAY =)

What a great way to start a day!!!
Thanks Peaches
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