it's still cloudy outside. a bit of rain every now and then. it has been going on like that, for a week now. it's 15°C outside. cold and feels like we're in autumn season, yet it's the month of May. we're supposed to be in our shirts this time of the year. but we're not.
i got things rattling around my head now, couple of which are political 'coz it's election fever in the philippines. from time to time, i monitor the election results. the ballot counting isn't finished yet for the presidential and vice presidential bets. the election was held last May 10. i guess by May 13, they will finally post the final and official results. Noynoy Aquino (son of former Philippine president Cory Aquino) had no worries now for the presidential seat. he got over 13 million votes already, compared to the other contender, Joseph Estrada (former Phil. President) which has only more than 8 million votes. i like Noynoy anyway. i hope he'll clean the government, since he's into anti-corruption. that's his priority.
for the locals, my high school classmates, Sonny Venzuela won again as councilor back in my hometown (Lucban, Quezon) and Bong Talabong won as a board member in Quezon. good for both of them.

while i am writing this, my daughter zendra is busy watching her Elmo videos (her first obsession is teletubbies). i guess i have seen the elmo stuffs a thousand times. from my son Jaki's pre-school years up to now, i almost memorize the songs & dialogues (english & italian)
"la la la la, la la la la...elmo's world..
la la la la, la la la la, elmo's world
elmo loves his goldfish,
his crayon too...
that's elmo's world..
This is the song- la la la la-
Elmo's song.
La la la la la la la la
Elmo's song.
La la la...
He loves to sing- la la la la-
Elmo's song.
La la la la la la la la
Elmo's song.
He wrote the music;
Elmo's song.
La la la la la la la la
Elmo's song.
La la la...
He loves to sing- la la la la-
Elmo's song.
La la la la la la la la
Elmo's song.
He wrote the music;
he wrote the words.
That's Elmos's song.
That's Elmos's song.
my daughter's hopping on her bed!
when she's annoyed she points at my laptop and says "mo, mo". means, "ma, get out of there, it's my elmo pc time"....hahaha.
the picture up here is what my pc wallpaper looks like now. she giggled everytime i turn on my laptop and sees elmo.
my laundry bin is overflowing now. it's hard to dry clothes because of the rain. the wet clothes are hanged all over the house because i can't hang them out of the balcony. --sigh--sigh--
i can't even stroll around with zendra. it's cold and you have no idea what time the rain will pour. yesterday, it seems like a storm. my colleagues at work were soaked from the heavy rains: wet pants and shoes. i was glad i arrived earlier.
it's almost 12:30 pm. time for lunch. i'll just have some tuna and bread.
to the kitchen...!
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