for today's five, i would like to share one of my fave cartoon characters: GARFIELD
Garfield began in the seventies created by Jim Davis. He was an unknown cartoonist then, publishing strips featuring insects. at that time, most of the strips in the newspapers were all about dogs, so he finally decided to base his new strip about a cat. the protagonist's name came from Jim's grandfather: James Davis Garfield. in june 19, 1978, garfield debuted in 41 american newspapers.
here are Five (funny) Garfield's Laws:

cats move at a speed proportionate to the amount of food at their destination. they may even exceed the speed of sound.
cats are independent. cats are loners. they are underfoot only when you're carrying groceries.
cats instinctively know the precise moment their owners will awake. then they awaken them ten minutes sooner.
cats are naturally attracted to only one type of human being: the type who is allergic to cats.
cats can't hear commands. cats can't understand cajoling, but they do sense when you want to take them to the veterinarian.
that's it!
happy meowwing...
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