20 February 2011
1011 ♥♥♥

BimbiBelli Magazine: February: English version
For all my friends who don't speak nor understand italian. here's the english version of Zendra's featured pages. I'm interviewed by the Bimbi Belli Staff regarding my daughter Zendra. Please don't forget to browse the original On-Line version of the magazine. Help me out to surpass the January issue's number of viewers. THANKS! http://issuu.com/bimbibelli/docs/n06
Cover Page: BIMBI BELLI MAGAZINE (Beautiful Kids)
All the calendar of future events/contests
The Reality Contest has started: Here's the first set of candidates
2nd Episode of Mom's Diaries: Rania
Word from the Specialialist, send your questions
Cover Kid of February: Zendra
Bimba Copertina: Cover Kid
Name: Zendra Kiara
Birthdate: January 9, 2009
Birthplace: Milan
Remark: Marvellous
"Here's Zendra, our cover kid for february! Her mom tells us something about her and how Zendra is in their home.
The first time you held her into your arms, what do you had in mind?
"The first time i held her in my arms, i candidly said "hi, tubby/chubby one". It was overwhelming to see her finally. It was a dream come true for having a baby girl.
Was the delivery easy?
"I just had 2 caesarian operations with my 2 boys. The third CS operation is not a walk in the park. It's the most painful one."
What does you daughter loves most?
Zendra is still small, she loves little things: watching Mickey Mouse/disney Playhouse, Tinkerbell and Dora. She wouldn't miss the High School Musical 1 and 2, which she loves most. She loves dancing and playing, and specially posing in front of the camera.
What does she love to play most of the time?
She always want to play with her small dolls and her small bags.
What charater she has?
Zendra is so sweet and she cuddles a lot. She's shy when she saw people for the first time, but after some minutes, she become at ease.
Does she tells you what she wants to be when she grows up?
She still doesn't talk as of now. I believe she still doesn't know what she wants.
As a parent, what do you want for your daughter?
Well, as a parent, i won't impose anything on her. I guess, when she grows up, her talents, abilities and interests will develop eventually. My role is just to teach, encourage, and expose her into various things. I want her to grow up the way she wants to be.
How is she with his father?
With him, there's a wonderful rapport. My daughter is so sweet with his dad. Let's just say "she's a daddy's girl"
And with her mother?
We were like "playmates". We cuddle, dance, sing and laugh together.
Does she like day-care school?
She still doesn't go to a day-care school. I prefer to still enjoy her pre-school years. Next school year, i will enroll her.
When did she start to be in the world of casting and pictorials?
Everything started when i sent her foto for fun at Donna Moderna Magazine last year (2010). When i saw her foto being published last September Issue, i was saw happy. For every mother, a daughter is always pretty. Then i became more confident with the compliments i got from other people. So, i brought her to the Bimbi Belli Calendar 2011 casting. From then on, modelling agency referrals comes along the way.
Will she continue?
I guess so.
Will you share us one particular anecdote of your daughter?
When she was 20 months, i gave her a biscuit. She puts that in her plate and she was trying to pick up the biscuit with a fork. Everytime she tries to use her fork, the biscuit continues to fly or fell down. But, she still continues to do the same thing over and over again. She really doesn't pick the biscuit with her hands. I captured that scene with the video and everytime i see the video clip i really laugh a lot.
In 20 years how do you see your daughter?
Nothing is sure about the future. The most i can do is to prepare her. Whatever she wants, i am always here to encourage her. She might be expose to my creativity or my interests, but in the end, she will be the one to decide for herself. I just know for certain that she will be strong, determined and happy, just like me.
14 February 2011
proud mom