i honestly forgot to post my regular TGIF yesterday due to my campaigning for my daughter Zendra Kiara. Anyway, i have to give my 100% effort until Nov. 14, 2010 (end of voting)
What's it all about?
She's one of the candidates to model for an italian kid store here in Italy (Bimbi Belli Abbigliamento 0-14). Kids who got the most number of votes (LIKEs) at facbook have the chance to be "one of the new baby faces" in their calendar 2011, ad campaigns and magazine.
There are a lot of contenders. Picture below show only a part of the album where my daugther belongs.

So here's how you can vote for her:
Step 1:
Click first this link and just LIKE it (Be a FAN)
http://www.facebook.com/bimbibelliit is advisable to go back to your facebook profile because oftentimes if you click right away the second link, the LIKE never appears below the main foto.
Step 2:
Click this link directly to the main foto
This should be the picture that will appear on your screen. Just click LIKE below her foto.